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Newlands coal mine

North Qld coal mine closure will evict 500 says report

A mining giant’s decision to shut down some fossil fuel production will displace hundreds of people. Glencore recently began closing its Newlands Coal Mine, 198km west of Mackay. The decision...

Rio Tinto hard hats

Mining giant accepts executive resignations

A multinational resources producer approved voluntary terminations of three bosses. Rio Tinto welcomed the resignations of chair Peter Mansell, and independent non-executive ERA directors Paul Dowd...

Mt Arthur mine

Mining giant cancels coal mine sell off

A multinational resources producer will not exit one of its coal businesses after all. BHP confirmed it recently cancelled the sale of New South Wales Energy Coal (NSWEC) because no buyer made a...

Better mine rehabilitation for Queensland

The Palaszczuk Government is making sure large mines across the state are properly rehabilitated, protecting the environment and creating more jobs in the resource services industry. Speaking during...

TerraCom Blair Athol Coal Mine

$93.1m mine reopening creates 100+ jobs in CQ

A multinational resource company will create hundreds of jobs within weeks when it re-opens a Central Queensland mine. A subsidiary of TerraCom Resources has secured regulatory approval to resume...

Rehabilitation work begins at WA abandoned mines

Rehabilitation site works started last week on the Black Diamond pit lake located within the Allanson town site boundary, approximately 5km west of Collie. The site is the first of four pilots to be...

Environment group wants mine reopening blocked

Environmental groups have called for the Queensland Government to block the sale of the Rio Tinto’s Blair Athol mine in Central Queensland. The Lock the Gate Alliance are concerned taxpayers...