A remote operation is unlikely to resume production for most of the year.
Authorities revealed work could stay suspended at Newmont Corporation’s Telfer mine for up to six months.
Milling was paused on 14 April 2024 after fly-in fly-out employees reported sinkholes at waste amenities. Investigators determined the mill should be shut down and processing waste banned from being deposited into tailings dams.
WorkSafe issued two prohibition notices for two tailings storage facilities (TSF) that were recently built at Telfer.
“WorkSafe will lift the prohibition notices once the company meets the required directions,” chief inspector of mines Tony Robertson said according to News Limited.
The proponent confirmed it would comply with the prohibition notices and perform other work at the site.
“Mining at Telfer is continuing with the ore being stockpiled,” a spokesperson said according to the media outlet.
AMR understands walls separating TSF7 and TSF8 are so unstable they could leave Newmont with no choice but to totally rebuild the tailings storage facility.
The proponent admitted in August 2023 that TSF7 experienced historical challenges with “respect to stability and internal erosion of the embankment”.
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