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Rio Tinto train

Two driverless heavy vehicles crash within weeks

A resources multinational is examining how autonomous carriers were involved in multiple accidents. Rio Tinto recently revealed that two driverless trains became derailed. One automated locomotive...

Dozer ute accident

Heavy vehicle operator runs over ute blocking its path

A mine worker learnt the hard way not to park in a way that prevents other vehicles from entering and exiting. An operator recently thought it was a good idea to park his utility vehicle less than 30...

Truck mixer accident

Speeding ‘auto pilot’ driver writes off truck

A distracted, lead-footed operator caused his employer’s heavy vehicle to become a total loss. Authorities recently examined why an employee drove into oncoming traffic and wrote off a loaded...

Overturned coal truck

Heavy vehicle operator dies from horrific crash

A truck driver tragically passed away during a severe accident. Authorities recently examined what circumstances led to a heavy vehicle flipping over and killing the operator at an undisclosed coal...

Haul truck collision

Horrific truck accident inspires new training material

Two heavy vehicles became involved in a major collision, causing severe damage. Authorities recently examined why one truck suffered a head-on accident while the other experienced a side hit at an...