An unexpected movement injured and ended the lives of multiple subterranean employees. Authorities recently examined how two workers passed away, and a further six suffered lost-time injuries at an...
Tag - fatality
Hydraulic lifting machinery tipped over and killed a resources employee. Authorities recently investigated how an all-terrain telehandler tipped over and fatally struck an untrained worker at...
Allowing mineral producers to fully disclose incidents without risking potential legal action could prevent employee deaths, an advocacy said. A group representing global resources companies urged...
Mineral processing equipment detached and killed a resources employee. Authorities recently investigated how a steel lifting lug became loose and fatally came into contact with a maintenance worker...
Mine equipment collapsed onto and killed a worker. Authorities recently examined how a conveyor fatally struck a resources crew member on 15 April 2024 at an undisclosed coal operation. “A...
A mine employee passed away after coming into contact with an electrified dump truck. Authorities recently investigated how a resources worker became fatally electrocuted after touching an energised...
A mining fatality is being mourned just 18 months after a different workmate passed away. Colleagues, friends and family are reeling after Eli Kelly died at Gold Fields’ Saint Ives mine...
A loose wire spool unexpectedly toppled, fatally crushing an employee. Authorities recently investigated how a 2.3 metre wide cable drum detached from two steel stands and killed a worker at an...
An accident involving multiple remote workers has set back a major mineral company. Rio Tinto recently confirmed its five year fatality free streak is over, following a fly-in fly-out plane crash...
An employee suffered a deadly fall in suffocating conditions. A 3.8 metre deep chamber had inadequate and untested air circulation when a crew member fatally collapsed. Authorities recently examined...